Thursday, May 1, 2014

Story-Times from the Part-Timer

Hello there Ms Internet!

             Today is my last day as a part time associate in Children's at Bradham and Brooks Branch of the Jacksonville Public Library. I have received a promotion to become full-time in Children's on the Mother-ship of JPL; the Main Library. And I'm scared silly. But before I bore anyone with concerns about cliques, intimating style icons of Actionville's downtown, vagabond stench, having earned the wrong master's degree for this totally sweet position, and what I might be losing working a twice as many hours as before, let me share with you the super fun work I've done so far.

Birdy Birds Story-Time

 1.) Opening Song:
Open Shut Them
Open, shut them.
Open, shut them
Give a little clap, clap, clap
Open, shut them.
Open, shut them.
Put them in your lap, lap, lap
Creep them, crawl them
Creep them, crawl them
Right up to your chin, chin, chin
Open wide your little mouth
Falling, falling, falling, falling
Almost to the ground, ground, ground
Slowly pick them up again
And turn them round and
Round, round, round
Faster, faster, faster, faster, faster, faster
Slower, slower, slower, slower
Put them in your lap, lap, lap.

2.) Introduction and Finger play Song:
One little, two little, three little tiny birds.
Four little, Five little, Six little tiny birds.
Seven little, eight little, nine little tiny.
Ten little tiny birds FLY!!

3.) Read Book: Birds by Kevin Henkes

4.) Sing Song:
Five baby robins watch Daddy Robin soar
One baby leaves the nest and now there are four Four baby robins, high up in a tree
One flies to catch a worm and now there are three
Three baby robins had nothing to do
One tried his new found wings and then there were two
Two baby robins frolicked in the sun
Another robin chased a bug and then there was one
One baby robin left all alone
And this baby robin decided to stay home!

5.) Read Book:
Snack time for Confetti by Kali Stileman

6.) Chant: (Military Sound off 1,2.)
I'm a penguin, black and white.
I can't fly but that's all right.
I've got feathers, that's not fur.
And I lay eggs like other birds.

I just swim to get my meals,
But I watch out for leopard seals.
I'm from the south as you may know
And now it time for me to go.

 7.) Read Book: Cheep! Cheep!

 8.) Sing Goodbye Song: If you’re a bird and you know it!

9.) Activity: Make a Bird!